Setup is as follows:
- vSphere 6
- 1 vcenter server (vcenter01) and 1 PSC (PSC01) at protected site
- 1 vcenter server (vcenter02) and 1 PSC (PSC02) at recovery site
- Each vcenter server is pointed at its own PSC
- There is no load balancer involved
During the protected site SRM install, when it asked which PSC to choose, I chose PSC01 which then allowed me to select the appropriate vcenter server, vcenter01. When I installed SRM at the protected site I was not able to choose PSC02. It gave me the error "failed to find a vcenter server from platform services controller". If I told it to use PSC01 I was then able to select the appropriate vCenter server (vCenter02) for the recovery site. My question, is this normal? I assumed I would target the recovery site instance of SRM at the recovery site PSC.
thank you