So, I'm back to this old Chesnutt of trying to get accurate SRM Reports using PowerCLI.
I've the following setup
- Protection Group Name = MyTestPG
- Protection Group Protection Status in Web Client = Not Configured(this is deliberate for testing, I've attached a .iso)
- Recovery Plan Name = MyTestRP
- Recovery Plan Recovery Status in Web Client = Ready
Using PowerCLI, I have the following
Connect-VIServer -Server $vcenter -Credential $cred | Out-Null
Connect-SrmServer -Credential $cred -RemoteCredential $cred -OutVariable srm
$srmApi = $srm.ExtensionData
$protectionGroups = $srmApi.Protection.ListProtectionGroups()
$testPgName = MyTestPG
# To Test 1 PG
$test = $protectionGroups | where {$_.getinfo().name -like $testPgName} | Get-Unique
foreach ($item in $test) {
$item = $_
$protectionGroupName = $item.GetInfo().name
$protectionGroupState = $item.GetProtectionState()
$recoveryPlanName = $item.ListRecoveryPlans().GetInfo().Name
$recoveryPlanState = $item.ListRecoveryPlans().GetInfo().state
My issue is that at this point, $ProtectionGroupStatereturns a value of Ready.
This is not what's seen in the Web Client. Why does the Web Client show Not Configured but, the PowerCLI output shows Ready ?
Before continuing with the script,, including VM Names, VM Status, outputting results to either .csv / .html. I'd like to correct this issue first.