[09/18 17:02:08 18260 2628 SraRdfGroup::CreateGroup ] Adding Symm Dev [00B88] to DG [DG_18260_170918170208555]
[09/18 17:02:08 18260 0249 SymapiSession::Close ] SymCommit() [ReadWriteWait]
[09/18 17:02:08 18260 0257 SymapiSession::Close ] SymExit() [ReadWriteWait]
[09/18 17:02:08 18260 0114 SymapiSession::Init ] Initializing SYMAPI session for remote server [mssrmvp1:2707]
[09/18 17:02:08 18260 0120 SymapiSession::Init ] SymInit() [ReadModifyNowrite]
[09/18 17:02:08 18260 0223 SymapiSession::Init ] [WARNING]: Attempting to set symapi preference [69].
[09/18 17:02:08 18260 0328 SraDevicePairings::GetCopyInfo ] [ERROR]: A valid CopyInfo block could not be found in the options file that has Symm [000492600180]. Exiting with failure
[09/18 17:02:08 18260 8922 TestFailoverStartCommand::RunOnDevices ] [ERROR]: Failed to fetch copy info from the device pairs options file. Exiting with failure