Hi. I installed SRM 6.5 at two sites and paired them successfully. The SRM server at Site A had a catastrophic failure and I wasn't able to break the SRM pairing before deleting the SRM server from vCenter. I created a new SRM server with the exact same name and extension ID as the last.
Now, when I log into vCenter/SRM, I see 3 sites. The old site that I never got the chance to break pairing with, the new site associated with the new install, and Site B. When I attempt to break the pair between Site B and the old Site A it complains that it cannot complete the operation because Site A cannot be found. This is true as I've explained I had to blow that SRM server away.
It seems that Site B is holding onto the paired association with a server that no longer exists. How can I break the pair at this point? I do have the GUID of the old SRM server. Do I have to go into the embedded vPostgres and delete that GUID somewhere?
There must be a way to have SRM break the connection to a server that no longer physically exists?