vmware support was troubleshooting a vsphere replication issue and on my SRM HQ site they changed the virtual appliance to have a self signed certificate. Now vcenter doesn't trust SRM and there are all kinds of errors in the pariing between SRMHQ and SRMDR.
I'm trying to get the certificate back on so I generated a CSR and submitted it to our Windows CA. I tried both DER and base 64 formats, but I just get a pop up error. Any idea how to get a cert loaded?
Specifying DER-encoded root and server certificate
ERROR invocation failed with "com.vmware.vim.vmomi.core.exception.MarshallException: Unable to append text element 0 }0 e
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Invalid white space character (0x6) in text to output (in xml 1.1, could output as a character entity)
Invalid white space character (0x6) in text to output (in xml 1.1, could output as a character entity)
Operation ID: cd1edae0-8744-4fad-aed0-c67811f56ab8
Operation ID: cd1edae0-8744-4fad-aed0-c67811f56ab8
Specifying base 64 root and server certificate
A specified parameter was not correct: certificate
Operation ID: 807f9484-c20c-44ab-8430-3f1d87039bea