This is the scenario, vSphere Replication to replicate VMs from site A to B, VMs protected with SRM
When a recovery plan is executed, VMs are switched over and then we can reprotect the VMs to reverse de replication and protection, so now the recovey site becomes protected site and viceversa.
During the reprotection process the data of the VMs that were in the old protected site seems to get deleted (new recovery site) , so vpshere replication is going to start a initial sync from the new protected site to the new recovery site.
I would like to confirm:
Is the VM data in the old protected site (new recovery site) actually deleted from the datastore during the reprotection?
if it gets completely deleted, Is there anything that can be done in SRM to use the information of the VM in the old protected site (new recovery site after recovery plan) as seeds instead deleting it and start an intial sync during the reprotection? so replication takes less time for huge VMs
Any help to understand a little bit better what SRM+Reprotec does would be appreciated
Thank you, regards