I'm on SRM 5.1.1, ESX 5.1 U1, using VR appliances. My clock is perfectly sync'ed on my protected VM. When I run a 'test' recovery plan with replication in my test bubble network the VM is booting up just fine. However, all the domain activities (I have 2 domain controllers in the test bubble) like interactive logon, service account startup, group policy, etc, are failing because the time on the VM is 4 hours behind the rest of the environment and Kerberos does not like that. This is very easy to reproduce. If a take a VM that was replicated at 9AM and test recovery it it will say it's 5AM every time.
I've set the VMtools setting to 'Synchronize guest time with host' in the VM settings on the protected VM but that does not get replicated over to the recovery VM placeholder. So I made that time sync change on the placeholder VM but that's not working either.
Has anybody seen this?
Note: I solved this issue while writing this post, see my next post for the answer