I have a design/concept question. My knowledge level is that I have taken SRM training but never implemented it after the class.
I know that the typical scenario is that SRM protects a site where the hosts are managed by a vCenter, by registering and starting the VM's on a remote site with hosts managed by it's own vCenter server.
I know also that SRM can support a "many to one" scenario where several sites with their own vcenter server and hosts are associated with one shared recovery site.
What I need to know, and have not been able to find in any documentation, is whether SRM can support "one to many" scenario. Such as the recovery site having more than one vCenter installations, with hosts spread between them. Like:
Site 1 - Recovery site
20 esx hosts
3 vcenter servers
-VC1: Managing 3 esx hosts
-VC2: Managing 10 esx hosts
-VC3: Managing 7 esx hosts
1 SRM server
Site 2 - Production site
20 esx hosts
1 vcenter server
1 SRM server
The utilization on production site is 85% so at least 17 hosts would be required at the recovery site.
-The question is if SRM can handle that they are spread on more than one vCenter.