I was looking at my SRM configuration today and found one the services had stopped.
I tried to start the service and am seeing these errors.
2014-01-27T10:45:04.290-06:00 [06840 verbose 'RemoteDR' connID=dr-admin-59a5] Attempting to connect
2014-01-27T10:45:05.290-06:00 [02964 error 'HttpConnectionPool'] [ConnectComplete] Connect error HTTP error response: Service Unavailable
2014-01-27T10:45:05.290-06:00 [06356 warning 'RemoteDR' connID=dr-admin-59a5] Failed to connect: std::exception 'class Vmacore::Http::HttpException' "HTTP error response: Service Unavailable"
Did some searching on the net and didn't find anything of hand.
Can someone help point me to where the issue might be?