Hello everyone,
i am facing an issue with SRM 5.5 and hope that you can assist me,
My scenario is this: our production environment spread out across 2 Geographical locations and acting as an Active\Active for each other,
we implemented vSphere site recovery manager 5.1 , and we are now in the middle of planing our steps towards for implementing vSphere 5.5 with SRM 5.5.
we have a large-scale environment running about 170 vSphere 5.1 Hosts and 3000 virtual machines on both site together.
the starting point for my question is that our organazition need to have a Distster Recovery solution for each and each virtual machine that is running no matter on whice site it reside.
so after a long story Here is my question : how can i accomplish my needs to protect each and each virtual machine in our environment? is there any limitations?
Thanks in advance,
Meny B.