Does VMware support Solaris OS customization on SRM during failover? I am talking about network settings (IP, subnet, gateway, DNS) change during SRM recovery plan execution...
https://www.vmware.com/support/srm/srm-compat-matrix-5-0.html on Guest Operating System Customization Support said "SRM 5.0.x supports guest operation system customization for all of the same guest operating systems for which vSphere 5.0.x supports customization. See the http://partnerweb.vmware.com/programs/guestOS/guest-os-customization-matrix.pdfVMware Guest OS Customization Support Matrix." and the martix - http://partnerweb.vmware.com/programs/guestOS/guest-os-customization-matrix.pdf does not have a word about Solaris OS.
Can someone please clarify if I can change network settings on Solaris VM during execution Recovery Plan by using native SRM technique?
Thank you!