I am in the process of testing recovery plans after upgrading from version 4 to 5.1.
I have no experience with version 4 and I am not sure whether this was ever an issue in that version
A lot of the protected VM fail with error "Error- A general system occurred: the system returned an error. Communication with the virtual machine might have been interrupted"
This error gets returned during the first step of the VM configuration which is configure storage so it never gets to second step - Configure test network
When I look in the vmkernel log I see error "Failed to get lock on file myvm.vmx.lock... I/O error
When I investigate the .lck-xxxxxxx file I see that it points to the host that locked it on the protected site.
VM that did managed to get powered on have a lock of the host they reside on as expected.
I am pretty sure that SRM somehow fails to clean up old locks but haven't found a fix yet.
Any thoughts?