Software: SRM 5.1.2 on vCenter 5.1 U1, adding vSphere Replication 5.1.2 into the mix.
We are using array-based replication and want to 'cutover' our array-based Protection Groups to vSphere Replication-based PG's, and, ultimately, stop using array-based replication altogether.
I did not install the vSphere Replication components during the original SRM installation so I'm aware that I need to run the SRM installer in repair/maint mode and select for VR. But in my reading, I came across the following statement on page 17 of the SRM 5.1 Installation and Configuration Guide: NOTE: Do not attempt to configure vSphere Replication on a virtual machine that resides on a datastore that you replicate by using array-based replication.
I would like to know 'why'---what might happen? Why would this be a bad thing? Host-based replication should not be 'aware' of array-based replication and vice-versa given they are 2 totally separate replication mechanisms.
Ideally, I would get my VR appliances up and running, and, once VR components were installed on SRM, I could then create VR-based PG's for all of the same VM's that are currently array-based PG's, have respective RP's for them, and, once I'm satisfied with the new PG's and RP's on the VR side of things, then just delete all the array-based PG's and RP's, get rid of the SRA's, and array-level replicated devices, and call it a day.
We don't use SRM 'extensively' at all here, and given our WAN pipes and other factors, we have decided that, after some satisfactory initial testing of VR (without SRM), we've decided to rid ourselves of the complexity/costs associated with array-based SRM. I would just rather run them in parallel (array-based PG's/RP's and VR-based PG's/RP's) so we're not 'exposed' while I would otherwise have to sVmotion these same VM's off of the currently array-level replicated datastores that they now sit on, then setup new PG's based on VR. Thanks for any feedback.