We have been using SRM since 1.5 years, and this was prior the Standard and Enterprise licensing packages was available. At that time we bought a 25-pack of licenses, the price we paid was equivalent to todays Enterprise licenses listprice.
To my knowledge sometime during the summer VMware changed the licensing for SRM and created a Standard and a Enterprise option, with the only difference between them beeing that Enterprise is for 75+VM protected. Enterprise is 2x the cost also.
The company im working with is not seeing any need to protect more than 75 vm's in any close future so we are quite happy with Standard-license and thought that we could save some money there.
What we find out is chocking though, our licenses has been converted to Enterprise (without any word from VMware) and we are not allowed to downgrade them. We can't mix Standard + Enterprise in the same installation. One would think that when VMware changed licensing for SRM they would contact current customers and give them the choice to either take 2xStandard or 1xEnterprise per 25-pack licenses allready purchased. Or at the very least give the customers the choice to go either 1xStandard or 1xEnterprise.