I have a site that I set up that has Windows 2012 R2 guests with RDMs set in physical compatibility mode. When I go through the vSphere Replication wizard for these servers I can configure replication for the guest and as expected I cannot set it up for the RDM (which is fine, I have those covered by the SRA) but on the last step it errors out with the following:
Configure a virtual machine for replication
VRM Server runtime error. Please check the
documentation for any troubleshooting information. The
detailed exception is: 'HMS can not set disk UUID for
disks of VM : ManagedObjectReference: type =
VirtualMachine, value = vm-34, serverGuid = C5ABE757-
9/2/2014 2:49:40 PM
9/2/2014 2:49:40 PM
9/2/2014 2:49:41 PM
Isn't it possible to skip the RDM or is that not my issue?