Hi, Hoping someone out there can shed some light on this. Using Vsphere 5.5U2 with SRM 5.8 in a Flexpod environment. We have had SRM for a couple of years and have always thought it odd that we can create multiple recovery plans, say one for production DR (all VMs) and say one for testing a small selection of VMs (for perhaps just the accounts system) and if we change the priority or power state in one recovery plan (say test) it changes the priority and power state in all the other recovery plans to the same. This is a real pain if you want a DR recovery plan but your test, or specific application, recovery plans keep changing the settings for you.
I'm at VMworld 2015 and spoken to three separate techies and they've all said the same thing that I should be able to create two recovery plans with the same VMs in and the priority and power on state should be allowed to be different in each one. Ironically I testing the same scenario in an SRM hands on lab and hey presto I replicated the same thing and left the same techies scratching their heads.
Am I missing something here ? Everyone says we should be able to do what I'm trying to do but no one seems to be able to explain why we can't. Suspect I'm going to have to log a call but I'm curious to see if others are experiencing the same thing.