i am using SRM6.1 with vcenter 6 and ESXi host 5.5 u2. I ran the Recovery Plan and it shows Recovery Complete (Snapshot_RP1) but in Array Based Replication when I scan SRA, it shows the status "Failover in progress" (Snapshot_RP2). My question is, the status also should not be changed from failover in progress to Complete or Synced OR it will remain "Failover in progress" until I run the Plan in Reprotect mode??
And 2nd question is; what exact the configuration I have to do on storage and SRM side for Reprotection process (Failback to original site)??
Moreover, When I run Recovery Plan, it creates a new Datastore with the name "snap-xxxxxx-ce" on Recovery site while the datastore name is "ce" in protected site. Now please advise what has to do next to run the Reprotection successfully (Snapshot_Qassim Rep LUN) OR only I need to switch-over to existing consistency group from Recovery site to Protection site??
Please advise..