Dear Friends,
The failover testing is successful, but the failover failed when the below errors.
Could you help to find the work round? thanks.
SRM 4.1 vCenter 4.1
IBM DS8700 Storage.
[2013-03-24 13:21:14.824 28688 warning 'Libs'] SSL_Connect: SECURITY WARNING: Should use SSL_ConnectAndVerify instead
[2013-03-24 13:21:15.340 28688 warning 'Libs'] [NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1
[2013-03-24 13:21:15.340 28688 warning 'Libs'] [NFC ERROR] NfcNet_Send: requested 257985, sent only -1 bytes
[2013-03-24 13:21:15.340 28688 warning 'Libs'] [NFC ERROR] NfcFile_SendMessage: data send failed:
[2013-03-24 13:21:15.340 28688 warning 'Libs'] [NFC ERROR] NfcBuf_Send: failed to send next file portion
[2013-03-24 13:21:15.340 28688 warning 'Libs'] [NFC ERROR] Nfc_PutFile: failed to send the buffer
[2013-03-24 13:21:15.340 28688 error 'NfcUtils'] Failed to copy file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\imc2226.tmp' to '[snap-5ea286f4-SRM-TEST] tes2k8tsvr076075/imc2226.tmp' with error code 3: Network error -- NfcBuf_Send: failed to send next file portion