Honestly, I am having a nightmare of a time finding documentation on how all the SRM 5.8 pieces relate to each other. I am attempting to use VSphere replication vs. array based and I have the replication servers deployed at both sites and "paired" but nothing more.
So I am at the point where I have to "Configure Placeholder Datastore" which states:
You must specify a placeholder datastore for Site Recovery Manager to use to store placeholder virtual machines on the recovery site.
You must configure a placeholder datastore on both sites in the pair to establish bidirectional protection and reprotect.
Well I don't see where I could specify if I am doing bidirectional or reprotect, however, when I go to configure Placeholder Datastore it only lists the datastores that are connected to my SOURCE site. If am only concerned with one-way failover to my protect site then how do I specify the datastores over in my protect site?