Hi Guys,
Basically normally when you use vsphere replication, if you lose the VRMS then you cant recover your vms.
"With the VRMS appliance offline, it is not possible to recover VMs with vSphere Replication. There are some third party articles out there that suggest it is possible to manually alter the files at the target location that make up the replica and recover a VM. While this is possible, I do not recommend relying on that recovery method as it is a very manual process and, more importantly, not supported by VMware "
vSphere Replication Appliance Failure Prevention and Recovery | VMware vSphere Blog - VMware Blogs
Am I right in thinking that when using SRM with vsphere replication, this isn't an issue as you can 'force' the recovery with SRM ........or is this still going to be an issue?
This stems from a question iI posted in
Cheers for the help guys!