Hi Guys,
I have setup snap mirroring, and I have added the correct SRAs and it is showing as replicating...BUT when I try to move a VM to the replicating datastore...or even create a folder on it at the source site. It fails with Call "FileManager.MakeDirectory" for object "FileManager" on vCenter Server "vCenter2008.gotham.com" failed.
This screams to me a rights issue. I have configured the rights using the web-client (OnCommand System Manager), if I give the hosts Root access to the LUN then SRM/SRAs wont see the LUN and use it for array replication, its in a couple of articles. The hosts need read/write access only for it to work.
But even with the hosts having read/write, I cant create anything on this LUN at my source site.
The LUN at the Test/DR site is mounted as read-only on those hosts as recommended in other posts and is set to restricted on the NetApp side
As it stands...it appears ABR is working (according tot he webclient, it is showing outgoing array replication), but it isn't actually replicating anything but empty space?
snapmirror status
Snapmirror is on.
Source Destination State Lag Status
NetApp1:vol1 NetApp2:vol2 Snapmirrored 00:00:00 In-sync
I am still new to Netapp/snapmirror/NFS in general. This may sound really stupid, but the replicated datastore, has the VMS on it that you want replicated and they are replicated byte for byte as everything on the array is sent across tot he DR site?
Thanks for your help guys!