We currently have some Datastores that are used with SRM 5.0 Esxi 5.0 and VNX array based replication.
We are re designing our SRM datastores and have migrated all VMs off of them onto others, i now need to remove them from Vcentre and depresent them from the hosts on the VNX which is not something i have done before.
If it were a normal Datastore i would just unmount and then detach from each host, I'm guessing this is going to be the same with SRM Datastores however are there any other steps i need to do.
My main unknown is regarding the mirrored LUNs that i will not be able to see in Vcentre to unmount / detach, how do i go about removing these, i have been caught out in the past with not unmounting a Datastore properly and very keen not to be in that position again